September 9th 2023

The Field Visit to SAKAL PRINTING PRESS on September 9th 2023, Organised by the principal of our Rosary Convent High School MR. SHADAB USMANI for the students from standard 6th to 10th in Taloja. This field visit was attended by all the students of 6th to 10th standard and a teacher staff.
The Field visit to “Sakal Printing Press” aimed to provide knowledge and practical experience on the process of newspaper printing. Students gained an fruitful information about how the Hard copies which are handwritten by the printing press team gets converted to Soft copy by the mechanical device with an inked surface applied on newspaper. Sakal is the flagship newspaper of the foundation publication, Sakal Media Group. It ranks among the largest circulated Marathi Newspapers. Sakal was a classic newspaper of the pre-independence nationalist period. Its idealistic founder, Dr. N.P. alias Nanasaheb Paluekar had been influenced by American newspapers during his years at Columbia university. By introducing Sakal (morning) to advance Mahatma Gandhi’s movement for independence, he also showed the path to genuine daily journalism in Marathi Though it was started as a part of the nationalist cause, after Indian independence, Sakal newspaper established itself as a successful business by reporting on day-to-day concerns, not just of Pune but also of its rural neighbourhoods. The students were curious to visit the ‘printing Press’. The field trip was very informative and interesting for all the students and teachers. Students cooperated very well and mannered . The teacher staff and all the students of ROSARY CONVENT HIGH SCHOOL also did a plantation programme with an great enthusiasm and interest. A special thanks to the principal of Rosary Convent High School MR. SHADAB USMANI who arranged an excellent field visit which was an amazing experience for everyone and also an special thanks to our Supervisor MRS. GULSHAN MAAM,The staff of the sakal printing press who provided us with an fruitful information which helped our students gain in-depth knowledge about the printing press. At the end I would also like to thanks all the teachers and students for attending this field visit and making it successful.